Providing Fire Protection & Ambulance Services to the Unincorporated Areas between Bensenville & Elmhurst, IL.

About Us – Bensenville Fire Protection Dist. #1

The Bensenville Fire Department, District #1 is a governmental agency in the State of Illinois and is governed by Illinois Laws 70 ILCS 705, 70 ILCS 710, and 70 ILCS 715, as well as possibly others. About Us, in spite of our name, we have never been part of or associated with the Village of Bensenville. Under Illinois Law, the commissioners are appointed by the Addison Township Board.

The purpose of the Bensenville Fire Department, District #1 is to provide Fire and Ambulance Protection for the residents of the Unincorporated Areas of Addison Township in DuPage County that lie between Bensenville, IL and Elmhurst, IL. Our funding comes primarily from property tax revenue from the property owners of the area, collected by DuPage County, and this is then paid to us for the purpose providing fire and ambulance service to this area. While under Illinois Law this is often done by setting up one or more fire stations, getting fire fighting equipment, and so forth, the budget of our district is insufficient to accomplish this. As such, we contract with nearby fire departments to provide these services and they are paid annually for the services that they provide to the area.



2025 Meeting Schedule

Bensenville Firefighter

More About Us

Some more information About Us, as a matter of practicality, we have divided the district into 2 parts, at Grand Avenue, which is where the boundary between Bensenville and Elmhurst is commonly viewed by many people, including the U.S. Post Office.

The areas south of Grand Avenue have their fire and ambulance services provided by the Elmhurst Fire Department and the areas north of Grand Avenue have their fire and ambulance services provided by the Bensenville Fire Protection District #2.